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Delete me …

When art wants to delete Donald E. Perry.

As I was deleting everything from the past, I was told I was hurting myself and my career? I know everyone is taught that wealth is more important than health, but it’s impossible to buy life back. For millions of years, beings have been dealing with the same issues generation after generation without teaching our past experiences. Death is the hardest pill you will ever try to swallow and this book will help you to understand the strange trip some of us may enter depending on the intensity of energy between the living and deceased. Inside, you will read my raw unedited story written in 2014 after my mother passed away. The freedom of expression in this story came from knowing I did not have to show this to anyone, but the freedom of expression released during this process was way too important not to publish. I also did not want to change the chaos involved in coping with the crazy thoughts life and death creates in the mind. This book is not Fiction or Non-Fiction and not a comedy, romantic, horror, drama, self help book or documentary or maybe it’s all of the above. If you cared or loved someone more than anything else on earth, your experience will be hyper-emotional topped with extreme critical thoughts and visions of why, what if and all those life long experiences being relived daily. If you are looking for adventure, action, truth, lies, visions and unique experiences, this is your book. Also inside is poetry and raw writing from over the years and ink drawings from my Transforming Reality series. The truth is, the most important investment you will ever make in life is in yourself and today is the day!  If you would like to order a copy of Delete Me, discuss previewing private online galleries, purchasing original artwork or creative design solutions, contact me by email at: [email protected] or DM at:


Delete Me by Donald Perry